Chapter 5 / Ear, nose and throat

Septorhinoplasty is only eligible under certain limited circumstances for restoration of normal appearance
immediately after trauma/tumour. The presence of nasal obstruction does not make a septorhinoplasty
eligible for benefit. We request that all such procedures are preauthorised to avoid disappointment to

Uvulopalatoplasty is not included in our schedule and is not eligible under any circumstances for
treatment of sleep apnoea.

FESS includes removal of nasal polyps, antrostomy and turbinate reduction and these should not be
charged as extra.

Codes designed for use in theatre should not be used in the out-patient setting, for example nasal
cautery or removal of foreign body from nose.

Packing of the nose should not be charged as extra with nasal surgery.

The code for Epley manoeuvre is soley for use by specialists and practitioners. Where a member has an appointment specifically to undertake the Epley manoeuvre we do not expect to receive a consultation charge. We do not expect to receive any charges from hospitals or facilities for this service unless they are billing on behalf of the service provider.

5.1 - External ear

Code Description Hospital Complexity Procedure Fees Fee For General Anaesthesia
Unacceptable Combinations
Additional Information

D0110 Total excision of pinna Major £360.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D0132 Excision accessory auricle/preauricular appendage Minor £200.00 £126.00 Show arrow
D0140 Excision of preauricular sinus Intermediate £240.00 £189.00 Show arrow
D0210 Excision of lesion of pinna Intermediate £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
D0280 Removal of multiple boney exostoses EAC Intermediate £400.00 £189.00
D0310 Reconstruction of external ear for anotia/microtia using cartilage Complex £1,080.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D0330 Pinnaplasty (including bilateral) (child 14 and below only) Intermediate £400.00 £316.00
D0340 Soft tissue meatoplasty of EAC Intermediate £360.00 £189.00 Show arrow
D0342 Boney meatoplasty Major £360.00 £189.00 Show arrow
D0410 Drainage of haematoma/abscess of pinna Minor £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
D0610 Biopsy of lesion of pinna (as sole procedure) Minor £80.00 £115.00 Show arrow
D0630 Repair of pinna Minor £120.00 £172.00 Show arrow
D0702 Aural toilet (including microsuction and/or suction of exteriorised mastoid cavity) including bilateral £40.00 £0.00 Show arrow
D0730 Removal of foreign body from external auditory canal (and bilateral) Minor £80.00 £115.00 Show arrow
D0810 Excision of lesion of external auditory canal Minor £120.00 £230.00 Show arrow
D0812 Removal of solitary osteoma of EAC Intermediate £240.00 £189.00 Show arrow
D0820 Reconstruction of external auditory canal Xmajor £680.00 £442.00 Show arrow
D0310 Reconstruction of external ear for anotia/microtia using cartilage Complex £1,080.00 £316.00 Show arrow

5.2 - Middle ear and mastoid

Code Description Hospital Complexity Procedure Fees Fee For General Anaesthesia
Unacceptable Combinations
Additional Information

D1010 Radical mastoidectomy (including meatoplasty) Major £560.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D1020 Modified radical mastoidectomy (including meatoplasty) Xmajor £560.00 £379.00 Show arrow
D1040 Simple mastoidectomy Major £520.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D1060 Revision of mastoidectomy (including meatoplasty) Major £440.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D1240 Exploration of facial nerve, mastoid segment, facial nerve Xmajor £560.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D1420 Myringoplasty Major £480.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D1421 Fat Plug Myringoplasty Minor £80.00 £0.00
D1440 Combined approach tympanoplasty - intact canal wall tympanoplasty Major £640.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D1510 Myringotomy and insertion of tube through tympanic membrane (and bilateral) Intermediate £112.00 £126.00 Show arrow
D1520 Suction clearance of middle ear (as sole procedure) Minor £40.00 £115.00 Show arrow
D1530 Myringotomy (and bilateral) Minor £80.00 £115.00 Show arrow
D1540 Exploration of entire middle ear course of VII Complex £800.00 £569.00 Show arrow
D1610 Ossiculoplasty Xmajor £600.00 £379.00 Show arrow
D1710 Stapedectomy (as sole procedure) Major £440.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D1720 Revision stapedectomy (as sole procedure) Xmajor £480.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D2070 Transtympanic steroid injection (including topical or local anaesthetic) Minor £120.00 £0.00 Show arrow
D1900 Middle ear tumour excision Major £600.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D1910 Middle ear polypectomy Minor £160.00 £126.00 Show arrow
D2030 Removal of Grommets Minor £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
D2040 Diagnostic tympanotomy (as sole procedure) Major £400.00 £253.00 Show arrow
D2050 Tympanic neurectomy Xmajor £320.00 £189.00 Show arrow
T8950 Repair of peri-lymph fistula Major £440.00 £379.00 Show arrow
V0382 Total petrosectomy (for tumour) Complex £1,080.00 £759.00 Show arrow
V0383 Lateral petrosectomy (for tumour) Complex £1,080.00 £759.00 Show arrow
W1870 Drainage of petrous apex for sepsis Complex £1,120.00 £379.00 Show arrow
D2822 Examination of ear under general anaesthetic (as sole procedure) Minor £80.00 £115.00 Show arrow
D2240 Balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube Intermediate £200.00 £189.00 Show arrow

5.3 - Inner ear

Code Description Hospital Complexity Procedure Fees Fee For General Anaesthesia
Unacceptable Combinations
Additional Information

A2952 Excison of acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) - tumours less than 2.5cm (performed by single surgeon) Complex £1,520.00 £1,138.00 Show arrow
A2953 Excision of acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) - tumours more than 2.5cm or compressing brain stem (performed by single surgeon) Complex £1,520.00 £1,138.00 Show arrow
A2954 Excision of acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) - tumours managed by combined oto-neurosurgical team irrespective of tumour size Complex £1,520.00 £1,138.00 Show arrow
E2880 Epley manoeuvre (code for specialist use only) £20.00 £0.00 Show arrow
A8480 Transtympanic electrocochleography Intermediate £160.00 £0.00 Show arrow
AA489 Transtympanic chemical labrynthectomy Minor £120.00 £115.00 Show arrow
D2420 Insertion of cochlear implant - unilateral Complex £800.00 £506.00 Show arrow
D2610 Operation(s) on endolymphatic sac Major £480.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D2620 Membranous labyrinthectomy Xmajor £520.00 £316.00 Show arrow
D2630 Osseous labyrinthectomy Xmajor £560.00 £316.00 Show arrow

5.4 - Nose and nasal cavity

Code Description Hospital Complexity Procedure Fees Fee For General Anaesthesia
Unacceptable Combinations
Additional Information

E0110 Total excision of nose Major £360.00 £316.00 Show arrow
E0230 Septorhinoplasty including graft/implant following trauma or excision of tumour (including attention to turbinates) Major £520.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E0260 Rhinoplasty following trauma or excision of tumour (including attention to turbinates) Major £440.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E0310 Submucous resection of nasal septum Intermediate £280.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E0330 Biopsy of of septum of nose Minor £80.00 £172.00 Show arrow
E0340 Closure of perforation of septum of nose Intermediate £320.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E0360 Septoplasty of nose (including attention to turbinates) Intermediate £360.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E0220 Septorhinoplasty (including attention to turbinates) Major £480.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E0390 Extracorporeal septoplasty Major £360.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E0380 Nasal septum cauterisation (and bilateral) Minor £80.00 £126.00 Show arrow
E0412 Reduction turbinates of nose (laser, diathermy, out fracture etc) Minor £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E0420 Reduction turbinates of nose (trim, radical excision) Intermediate £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E0440 Division of adhesions of turbinate of nose (and bilateral) Minor £80.00 £172.00 Show arrow
E0520 Ligation of artery of internal nose (including endoscopic, as sole procedure) Intermediate £320.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E0610 Packing of cavity of nose (as sole procedure) Minor £80.00 £172.00 Show arrow
E0810 Polypectomy of internal nose (and bilateral, including endoscopic) Minor £120.00 £172.00 Show arrow
E0820 Excision of lesion of internal nose Minor £120.00 £172.00 Show arrow
E0830 Correction of congenital atresia of choana (including endoscopic) Major £360.00 £253.00
E0850 Removal of foreign body from cavity of nose Minor £80.00 £172.00 Show arrow
E0910 Excision of lesion of external nose Minor £80.00 £172.00 Show arrow

5.5 - Nasal sinuses

Code Description Hospital Complexity Procedure Fees Fee For General Anaesthesia
Unacceptable Combinations
Additional Information

E1220 Caldwell-Luc procedure Intermediate £240.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E1240 Vidian neurectomy (including endoscopic) Major £400.00 £253.00
E1260 Image guided endoscopic frontal, sphenoid and/or ethmoid sinus surgery (FESS) and bilateral Major £520.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E1310 Antral puncture and wash-out (and bilateral) Minor £120.00 £126.00 Show arrow
E1330 Intranasal antrostomy including endoscopic and antral washout (including bilateral) Intermediate £200.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E1350 Closure of oro-antral fistula with local flap Intermediate £320.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E1360 Endoscopic balloon dilation frontal sinuplasty and bilateral Major £480.00 £316.00 Show arrow
E1370 Endoscopic balloon dilation maxillary sinuplasty and bilateral Major £480.00 £316.00 Show arrow
E1380 Endoscopic balloon dilation sphenoid sinuplasty and bilateral Major £480.00 £316.00 Show arrow
E1410 External frontoethmoidectomy and bilateral Major £480.00 £316.00 Show arrow
E1432 FESS Uncinectomy, ethmoidectomy, antrostomy or antral puncture inc polypectomy and attention to turbinates etc Major £440.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E1450 Bone flap to frontal sinus (and bilateral) Major £560.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E1460 Trephining of frontal sinus and bilateral Minor £160.00 £126.00 Show arrow
E1470 Median drainage of frontal sinus (modified Lothrop procedure) and bilateral Complex £1,600.00 £1,265.00 Show arrow
E1480 Endoscopic exploration frontal sinus beyond frontoethmoid recess and bilateral Xmajor £520.00 £316.00 Show arrow
E1500 Operation(s) on sphenoid sinus (including endoscopic) and bilateral Intermediate £200.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E1742 Lateral rhinotomy into sinuses Intermediate £400.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E1750 Transnasal repair of leaking CSF (Including endoscopic) Xmajor £800.00 £189.00
E1780 Diagnostic endoscopy of sinus and bilateral (as sole procedure) Minor £40.00 £172.00 Show arrow
V0700 Cranio-facial resection Complex £1,280.00 £1,265.00
W2620 Manipulation under anaesthesia of fractured nose (as sole procedure) Minor £160.00 £126.00 Show arrow

5.6 - Throat

Code Description Hospital Complexity Procedure Fees Fee For General Anaesthesia
Unacceptable Combinations
Additional Information

E1910 Total pharyngectomy Complex £1,280.00 £632.00 Show arrow
E1920 Partial pharyngectomy Xmajor £520.00 £632.00 Show arrow
E2010 Adenoidectomy Minor £120.00 £126.00 Show arrow
E2100 Repair of pharynx Major £480.00 £316.00 Show arrow
E2320 Open operation(s) on pharyngeal pouch Major £440.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E2330 Removal of lesion of para-pharyngeal space Major £1,040.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E2400 Therapeutic endoscopic operation on pharynx Minor £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E2480 Endoscopic operation(s) on pharyngeal pouch (e.g. Dohlman's procedure) Major £440.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E2500 Diagnostic nasolaryngopharyngoscopy +/- biopsy, +/- cautery as sole procedure Minor £40.00 £115.00 Show arrow
F3400 Tonsillectomy - child (and bilateral) up to and including age 12 Intermediate £280.00 £253.00 Show arrow
F3440 Tonsillectomy - adult, age 13 + (and bilateral) Intermediate £320.00 £253.00 Show arrow
F3480 Adenotonsillectomy (and bilateral) Intermediate £320.00 £253.00 Show arrow
F3620 Drainage of peritonsillar abscess ('quinsy') Minor £80.00 £115.00 Show arrow
F3650 Arrest of haemorrhage following tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy Intermediate £200.00 £189.00
F4300 Transoral laser microsurgery, including pharyngotomy, partial laryngectomy, partial glossectomy and/ or tracheostomy (as sole procedure) Complex £1,600.00 £1,150.00
F3490 INTRACAPSULAR TONSILLECTOMY Intermediate £272.00 £201.00

5.7 - Larynx and trachea

Code Description Hospital Complexity Procedure Fees Fee For General Anaesthesia
Unacceptable Combinations
Additional Information

E2140 Reconstruction using stomach pull up following pharyngolaryngectomy Complex £1,400.00 £1,265.00 Show arrow
E3681 Stroboscopy of larynx Minor £80.00 £0.00 Show arrow
E2150 Reconstruction free jejunal graft following pharyngolaryngectomy Complex £1,400.00 £1,138.00 Show arrow
E2300 Pharyngeal myotomy Intermediate £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E2910 Total laryngectomy Complex £1,600.00 £632.00 Show arrow
E2920 Horizontal supra-glottic laryngectomy Complex £800.00 £379.00 Show arrow
E2930 Vertical hemi-laryngectomy Complex £800.00 £379.00 Show arrow
E2940 Partial laryngectomy Complex £800.00 £379.00 Show arrow
E2950 Laryngofissure and cordectomy of vocal cord Major £400.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E2952 Laryngofissure Major £400.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E2970 Sub-total laryngectomy Complex £1,080.00 £379.00 Show arrow
E3010 Glottoplasty (e.g.vocal pitch change surgery) Major £400.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E3100 Reconstruction of larynx with graft Complex £1,080.00 £632.00 Show arrow
E3400 Cordectomy (endoscopic) Intermediate £400.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E3410 Laser surgery to vocal cord (including microlaryngoscopy) Intermediate £400.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E3520 Microlaryngoscopy/laryngoscopy +/- biopsy, excision of lesion, polyp or cyst Intermediate £320.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E3810 Injection into larynx Intermediate £280.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E3900 Partial excision of trachea with reconstruction Complex £800.00 £759.00 Show arrow
E4030 Tracheoplasty Major £800.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E4032 Tracheoplasty for congenital conditions Complex £800.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E4100 Insertion of voice prosthesis (TOF) Major £400.00 £316.00 Show arrow
E4210 Tracheostomy Intermediate £240.00 £253.00 Show arrow
E4230 Mini-tracheostomy (percutaneous) Minor £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
F4306 Transoral robotic assisted horizontal supra-glottic laryngectomy (as sole procedure) Complex £800.00 £379.00
F4308 Transoral robotic assisted mucosectomy for microscopic primary tumour (as sole procedure) Intermediate £240.00 £189.00

5.8 - Fibreoptic endoscopic procedures (GA or LA)

Code Description Hospital Complexity Procedure Fees Fee For General Anaesthesia
Unacceptable Combinations
Additional Information

E4510 Fibreoptic examination of trachea +/- biopsy/removal of foreign body Minor £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E4800 Therapeutic bronchoscopy (including laser, cryotherapy, lavage, snare, dilatation of stricture, insertion of stent) Minor £200.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E4840 Dilatation of tracheal stricture including insertion of stent Intermediate £200.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E4850 Therapeutic bronchoscopy for removal of foreign body Minor £160.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E4990 Panendoscopy +/- incisional biopsy Intermediate £240.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E4991 Therapeutic Panendoscopy +/- excision biopsy, excision or destruction of lesions Intermediate £240.00 £189.00 Show arrow
E5180 Diagnostic bronchoscopy +/- biopsy Minor £256.00 £189.00 Show arrow

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